The Triangles


Founded in the year 2016 by three like-minded people, The Triangles Blessings Team aims at spreading the Teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui to the people across the globe, at the comfort of their home in association with certified Pranic Healing Instructors.

We strive to make the daily spiritual practices extremely easy by conducting them online. People love to connect to our online sessions and enjoy deep purification along with increased connectivity with the divine.

We help people solve their issues by making them aware of the root cause behind their life challenges by following the Teachings of GMCKS. We became part of their family in bringing happiness and rejuvenation in their lives. We are growing every day with more participants joining us in our online sessions.

Experience the energy of your soul

Experience the energy of your soul




We create positive environment where participants of our sessions and all the group members, feel and enjoy the divinity within them. Their energy enhances everyday when they practice the spiritual teachings in a group. We see the changes of development at every sphere of their lives. We witness love in their relationship issues, enhanced happiness in their families, heightened intuition, improved health and increased prosperity. We see changes in the participants’ attitude towards their life and challenges. We feel proud in being a channel in bringing tremendous changes in their characters and lives.

The Triangles Blessings Team is not just about 3 key individuals, but we are a team of volunteers. As volunteers we love to serve and endeavour to create immense positive changes in the lives of people. We thrive on touching souls of the people and help them experience abundance at every level. We do this by using the modern technology as our medium of healing and nurturing.
Follow the last 3 instructions of our teacher, GMCKS
  • PRACTICE Diligently
  • PURIFY Yourself
  • Spread the Teachings
Our ultimate soul purpose is to educate and motivate people of all age groups to lead life as a soul and not as a mere body.
