The Triangles The Triangles

Experience the energy of your soul


The Triangles Blessings Team will flourish your life inside as well outside and will also enhance the lives of people around you. We conduct Pranic Healing Workshops, Healings, Spiritual Practices, and
Online Sessions on varied topics.

Physical Rejuvenation

In Healing, we work on the energy body, which helps make the physical body regain health. The Triangles Blessings Team provides healing services for various ailments on a physical, emotional, and psychological level, like headaches, stress, depression to Autism, and other mental disorders.

Enhancing Love

Love is the food that makes your soul grow! - GMCKS
Love strengthens the relationships. To enhance your enjoyment & to know the value of your relationships with partner, parents, kids, relatives, friends, and business colleagues, use Pranic Healing. We provide healing services & Meditation on Twin Hearts for improving all the relationship issues.

Manifest Greatness

If you think it can be done, It can be done! -GMCKS
We act as a channel to manifest your prosperity energies and thought forms by strengthening them through our various services. We have daily practices of enhancing prosperity energies, and we help in improving your business, new career path, improving your skills for bringing in more prosperity.

Spiritual Oneness

Spirituality is a way of life. It is not just doing meditation. -GMCKS
We help you create an extraordinary experience by making you connect to the divine daily. We help you connect with your deeper self to build your strengths and wellness.

What is Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing is an energy healing technique that uses Prana or Life Force, leading to good health and happiness. Pranic Healing is a science that uses Laws of Nature that people do not know or are not aware of. Pranic Healing is a No Touch and No Drug Therapy, where the patient is treated to get cured through Energy Healing. This method has no side effects and pain. This treatment can cure all four aspects of our life.

Experience the energy of your soul

Experience the energy of your soul




The Triangles Blessings Team will flourish your life inside as well outside and will also enhance the lives of people around you. We conduct Pranic Healing Workshops, Healings, Spiritual Practices, and Online Sessions on varied topics.


Past Sessions

Forgive & Heal
06 Dec 2021 - 06 Jan 2022

Inner forgiveness gives you the ability to grow, to be free, and it also gives you the opportunity to generate positive karma. ~ GMCKS
